Wind Energy Science Conference 2019

The Wind Energy Science Conference (WESC) is taking place next week from the 17th to 20th of June, 2019 in Cork (Ireland). This biennial event is organized by the European Academy of Wind Energy (EAWE), and was launched at 2015 in order to complement the scientist Torque conferences.

The conference offers an open forum for discussion which spans the traditional scientific borders. Wind Energy scientists and engineers are given the opportunity to present their latest findings and discuss the challenges which they have faced with a multi-disciplinary community.

This year WESC 2019 is comprised of seven themes which cover the main scientific topics in wind energy science and an eighth theme which is left open for more cross cutting sessions.

As a part of the wind energy community, CL-Windcon will participate leading a Mini-Symposium about wind farm control.

More information can be found at: